Tuesday, July 11, 2006

What Materazzi and Zizou really said to each other

Materazzi: Yo Zizou, you know, my chest, it has da more hair than your head da!

Zidane: Oh zeally, you wanna take a closer look, you bribe-taking %$^#$@#$!
But seriously, in a split moment of madness, one of the world's greatest player retired with despair and disgrace hanging to his name and reputation when it should have been so different. I dont think there are any words that accurately describe this horror of horrors. What a tragedy!


Anonymous said...

Memang saddening to see Zizou end his last Worldcup match like that. But his country is still proud of him and standing by him. Now that's loyalty :)

ngyahloon said...

World cup, the world's most-watched reality show;)